As a white woman, I admit that being Caucasian has spared me from the unfairness and indignity of racism. But, as a woman, I can certainly understand the misogyny. The women of the world understand it, and the voters in America understand it. Women will be the driving force in the election. ‘We are women, hear us roar, in numbers too big to IGNORE.’

Go ahead and gloat! You know you’ve earned it.

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Exactly. I specifically said black women, because that’s the only group I’m qualified to speak about. I was hoping a white woman would point out that it’s a female experience not just a black female esperience and with that you have just increased the size of enthusiastic engaged electorate.

And this is why she must lean into it, however she feels comfortable, but it must be part of the discussion. White men need calling out on a public stage!!!

Every female vote is in play and even if 70% of eligible women vote for the democrats, I haven’t done the numbers but I’d like to see what the map looks like accounting for a huge upsurge in previously non voters joining the fight. But they just want to obsess on the likely voters in swing states. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Imagine if only 60% of voting dems follow through on the pledge and take a plus one to the polls. Now,

I’d like Steve K to earn his money and start looking at what the map would look like if the entire democratic vote increased by 60% across the board. How many states would be in play then? I don’t know, but no one seems curious enough to find out.

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Kamala must play up every one of her accomplishments. But not with anger - with the surety of a woman who knows she is the person for the job. Her self assurance and sense of humor are attractive to everyone, but especially other women. She has already won people over with her personality.

She has the election in the palm of her hands. But Felon 34 and his cohort, Vance, are going to try to mess it up. She and her campaign staff have to stay sharp.

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We’re immune to anything they can come up with. That’s why I say bring it!!!

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I still don’t trust the rich donors. They’ve been trying for decades to get their way. But, yes! Bring it on, fast and furious!

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You’re still in an ‘old politics’ mindset. This is people powered snowball down a mountain, the avalanche is coming you just can’t hear it…yet 😁

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The only way I have been able to see everything is because I accepted the paradigm shift in the politics in 2015 when it occurred, your talking heads keep talking about how he has destroyed all societal norms, but failed to see that their own paradigm shifted, they’ve been playing by different rules to the republicans since then and can’t see it. They think they have to replicate his rage, no they just have to replicate the strength of his message, Kamala EMBODIES the strength of her message and it’s hitting people more emotionally than Obama. You can’t stop that…

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Kamala knows exactly how to make her point, and drives it home! She can use tact when it’s necessary, or sarcasm, or humor. Women learn how to “read the room” at an early age. We are more empathetic and know which “face” to put forward.

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